Available Workshops

  • containerization

  • helloworld

  • troubleshooting (WIP)


The containerization workshop is designed to experiment with container technology such as docker and docker-compose. Provisioning a workshop with bootstrap_file = "containerization.sh" in your workdir/variables.tfvars will

  • update the OS

  • install epel-release

  • install ansible

  • run the docker ansible role to

    • install docker

    • install docker-compose

    • sets docker usage rights (docker group) to the default VM user (centos).

This bootstrap script is preparing the host to run ansible and continues execute more complex steps via ansible.


The helloworld workshop is a exactly what it sounds like - a hello world showcasing how to set up a new workshop from scratch. Provisioning a workshop with bootstrap_file = "helloworld.sh" in your workdir/variables.tfvars will

  • update the OS

  • install httpd

  • serve a hello world message on Port 80

This is a simple and lightweight way to start experimenting with the infrastructure code in order to get familiar with terraform and how we use it in the context of workshops.

troubleshooting (WIP)

Disclaimer: The troubleshooting workshop is not readily available yet! Hence the WIP in brackets (Work in Progress)

Contact: wirnse