
In the architecture section we will cover which resource get provision in AWS, what those variables in workdir/variables.tfvars specify in more details and you get to look at an awesome infrastructure architecture diagram.

Each workshop will be provisioned in a single AWS region (e.g. us-west-1) and is encapseled in a dedicated VPC. The Internet Gateway, Security groups and Route Table in our VPC are configured to allow all ingress / egress traffic for ease of use.

All resource are tagged with a created tag containing the terraform creation timestamp and an owner tag containing the owner specified in workdir/variables.tfvars.

Each instance is accessible with an unique auto generated ssh key which can be found in workdir/ after you have applied a terraform script.

Terraform state is the only element that is fixed to an S3 bucket named gepardec-terraform-state in the us-east-1 region.

Architecture Diagram