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Training Containerization

Gepardec who?

That’s us

  • office: vienna / linz

  • size: ~ 40 people

  • we do what we love..

    • custom software solution

    • cloud transformation

    • devOps automation



rh premium partner


How we teach

  • Gepardec believes in learning by doing

  • The training is lab driven

  • Work together!

  • Ask questions at any time

Session Logistics

  • 1 days duration

  • Mostly exercises

  • Regular breaks

Assumed knowledge and requirements

Your lab environment

  • You have been given an instance for use in the exercises

  • Ask the instructor for the credentials if you don’t have them already

Training learning objectives

By the end of this training, trainess will be able to

  • Asses the advantages of a containerized software development & deployment

  • Use container engine features necessary for running containerized applications

Virtualization vs Containerization

What we want

Ideal software should

  • be modular and flexible (DEVs)

  • be easy to migrate (DEVOPS)

  • be easy to scale, monitor and lifecycle (OPS)

  • mitigate vulnerabilities (Security)

  • and run cheap (business)


pre container


post container

Rapid development

component upgrade

Containers can be removed and replaced with a minimum of impact on their neighbors, increasing developer choice and speed.

Smooth migration

component migration

Containers carry their environment and dependencies with them, simplifying and minimizing requirements on the hosts that run them.

Simple sclae & mainenance

component scalability

Containers have private system resources, so a compromise in one does not affect the rest.

Secure by default

component isolation

Containers have private system resources, so a compromise in one does not affect the rest.

Application density

component density

Containers save datacenter costs by running many more application instances than virtual machines can on the same physical hosts.

Containerization basics

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, trainees will be able to

  • Describe what a container is in terms of processes and isolation tools

  • Use the key commands for interacting with Docker containers

Containers are processes

Containers are processes sandboxed by

  • Kernel namespaces

  • Control Groups

  • Root priviledge management & syscall restrictions (Linux)

  • VM isolation (Windows)

Linux kernel namespaces


    • Process IDs

    • Network stacks

    • Inter-process communications

    • Mount points

    • Hostnames


    • User IDs

Linux PID kernel namespace

pid tree

Optional Linux isolation features

  • Control groups: limit memory & CPU

  • Root priviledge management: acceptlist root powers

  • System call management: acceptlist available system calls

  • Linux Security Modules: mandatory filesystem access control

task Instructor demo: Process isolation

See the demo

  • Process isolation

in the exercise book

task Exercise: Container Basics

Work through

  • Running and inspecting a container

  • Interactive containers

  • Detached containers and Logging

  • Starting, stopping, inspecting and deleting cotnainers

In the exercise book.

Container lifecycle

container lifecycle

Container logs

  • STOUD and STERR for a container process

  • docker container logs <container_name>

Container basics takeaways

  • Single process constrained by kernel namespaces, control groups and other Linux technologies

  • Private & ephemeral filesystem and data

Further reading

Container images

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, trainess will be able to

  • Create container images via several methods

  • Describe the filesystem structure underlying a container image

  • Understand the performance implications of different container image design decisions

  • Correctly tag and namespace container images for distribution via a registry

What are container images?

  • A filesystem for container processes

  • Made of a stack of immutable layers

  • Start with a base image

  • New layer for each change

image layered fs

Sharing layers

image shared layers

The writable container layer

image container layer

Images: Copy on write

image copy on write

Linux Containers: Union FS

image union fs

Creating images

Three methods:

  • Commit the R/W container layer as a new R/O container image layer.

  • Define layers to add to a existing container image in a Containerfile.

  • Import a traball into as a standalone base image.

Commiting container changes

  • docker container commit saves the container layer as a new R/O container image layer

  • Pro: build container images interactively

  • Con: hard to reproduce or audit; avoid this in pratice


  • Content manifest

  • Provides container image layer documentation

  • Enable automation (CI/CD)

  • FROM command defines the base image

  • Each subsequent command adds a layer of metadata

  • docker image build …​ builds container image Containerfile

# Comments begin with the pound sign
FROM ubuntu:16.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget
ADD /data /myapp/data

task Instructor demo: Creating images

See the demo

  • Creating images

in the exercise book.

task Exercise: Creating images

Work through

  • Interactive Image Creation

  • Creating Images with Dockerfiles (1/2)

in the exercise book.

Build cache

image build cache

After completion, the resulting container images layer is labeled with a hash of the content of all current image layer in the stack.


  • Recall all container run a process as their PID 1

  • CMD and ENTRYPOINT allow us to specify default processes

  • CMD alone: default command ans list of parameters.

  • CMD & ENTRYPOINT provides command, CMD provides default parameters.

  • CMD overridden by command argument to docker container run

  • ENTRYPOINT overriden via --entrypoint flag to docker container run.

Shell vs Exec format

# Shell form
CMD sudo -u ${USER} java ...

# Exec form
CMD ["sudo", "-u", "jdoe", "java", ...]

task Exercise: Containerfiles (2/2)

Work through

  • Creating Images with Dockerfiles (2/2)

in the exercise book.

COPY and ADD commands

COPY copies files from build context to container image

COPY <src> <dest>

ADD can also untar* or fetch URLs.

* Linux containers only!

  • create checksum for files added

  • log checksum in build cache

  • cache invalidated if checksum changed

Containerfile command roundup

  • FROM: base image to start fron (usually OS)

  • RUN: run a command in the environment defined so far

  • CMD & ENTRYPOINT: define default behaviour

  • COPY & ADD: copy files into container

Many more Containerfile commands are available; see the docs at

Advanced Containerfile construction

How can we build container images that are

  • Lighweight

  • Secure

  • Minimal build times

The scratch container image

  • An "empty" image

  • Can’t be pulled

  • Doesn’t create a layer

  • Used for building container image not based on any pre-existing container image

  • Linux only

FROM scratch

ADD centos-7-docker.tar.xz /

LABEL org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0" \"CentOS Base Image" \
org.label-schema.vendor="CentOS" \
org.label-schema.license="GPLv2" \"20181205"

CMD ["/bin/bash"]

Multi-Stage builds (1/2)

Hello worls, in C:

FROM alpine:3.5
RUN apk update && \
    apk add --update alpine-sdk
RUN mkdir /app
ADD hello.c /app
RUN mkdir bin
RUN gcc -Wall hello.c -o bin/hello
CMD /app/bin/hello

Builds to:

$ docker image ls hwc
REPOSITORY      TAG             IMAGE ID        CREATED         SIZE
hwc             latest          142c29686b6a    15 hours ago    184 MB

Multi-Stage builds (2/2)

Hello worls, in C:

# Full SDK version (built and discarded)
FROM alpine:3.5 AS build
RUN apk update && \
    apk add --update alpine-sdk
RUN mkdir /app
ADD hello.c /app
RUN mkdir bin
RUN gcc -Wall hello.c -o bin/hello

# Lightweight image returned as final product
FROM alpine:3.5
COPY --from=build /app/bin/hello /app/hello
CMD /app/hello

Builds to:

$ docker image ls hwc
REPOSITORY      TAG             IMAGE ID        CREATED         SIZE
hwc             latest          5d925cfc9c96    39 seconds ago  4MB

Build target


FROM <base image> as base

FROM <foo image> as foo

FROM <bar image> as bar

FROM alpine:3.4
COPY --from foo ...
COPY --from bar ...

building the container image

docker image build --tag <name> …​

task Exercise: Multi-Stage Builds

Work through

  • Multi-Stage Builds

in the exercise book.

Container image construction best practices

  • Start with an official container image

  • Use multi-stage builds to drop compilers, SDKs, …​

  • More layers leverage the cache

  • …​but fewer layers perform better

Development: More layers

Bad caching:

FROM python:3.5-alpine
RUN mkdir /app
COPY /mypy /app/
RUN pip install -r app/reqs.txt

Good caching:

FROM python:3.5-alpine
RUN mkdir /app
COPY /mypy/reqs.txt /app/
RUN pip install -r app/reqs.txt
COPY /mypy /app/

Production: Less layers

  • To collapse ALL image layer:

$ docker container run -d --name demo mytallimage:1.0
$ docker container export demo > image.tar
$ cat image.tar | docker image import - myflatimage:1.0
  • Or build with --squash flag (experimental): compress all non-base-layers

  • Use container export --squash for one shareable base layer & one application layer

Best practices: Patching & Updates

image good bad layering

Container Image tags

  • Optional string after image name, separated by :

  • :latest by default

  • Same image with two tags share same ID, image layer:

$ docker image ls centos*
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
centos              7                   8140d0c64310        7 days ago          193 MB
$ docker image tag centos:7 centos:mytag
$ docker image ls centos*
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
centos              7                   8140d0c64310        7 days ago          193 MB
centos              mytag               8140d0c64310        7 days ago          193 MB

Container Image namespaces

Container images exist in one of three namespaces:

  • Root (ubuntu, nginx, mongo, mysql,…​)

  • User / Org (jdoe/myapp:1.1, microsoft/nanoserver:latest,…​)

  • Registry (FQDN/jdoe/myapp:1.1)

Image tagging & namespacing

  • Tag on build: docker image build -t myapp:1.0 .

  • Retag an exisitng image: docker image tag myapp:1.0 me/myapp:2.0

  • Note docker image tag can set both tag and namespace

  • Names and tags are just pointers to container image ID

  • Container Image ID corresponds to immutable content addressable storage

Sharing container images

  • Docker HUB

    • Provides certified commercial and free software distributed as Docker Images

    • Shares community-generated container images and content

task Exercise: Managing container images

Work through

  • Managing Images

in the exercise book.

Container Image Creation takeaways

  • Container images are built out of R/O layers.

  • Containerfiles specify container image layer contents

  • Key Containerfile commands: FROM, RUN, COPY and ENTRYPOINT

  • Container images must be namepsaced accoriding to where you intend on sharing them

Further reading

Container Volumes

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, trainees will be able to

  • Define a volume and identify its primary use cases

  • Describe advantages and potential secuity risks of mounting volumes and host directories

Volume usecases

Volumes provide a R/W path separate from the layered filesystem.

  • Mount data at container startup

  • Persist data when a container is deleted

  • Share data between containers

  • Speed up I/O by circumventing the union filesystem

Basic volumes

  • Named: managed by Docker; filesystem independent; user-specified identifier

  • Anonymous: managed by Docker; filesystem independent; randomly-generated identifier

  • Host mounted: mount a specific path on the host; DIY management

task Instructor demo: Volumes

See the demo

  • Basic Volume Usage

in the exercise book.

Volumes in Containerfile

  • VOLUME instructions creates a mount point

  • Can specify arguments in a JSON array or string

  • Cannot map volumes to host directories

  • Volumes are initialized when the container is executed

FROM nginx:latest
# string example
VOLUME /myvolume

# string example with multiple volumes
VOLUME /www/website1 /www/website2

# JSON example
VOLUME ["myvol1", "myvol2"]

Volumes and security

  • Point of ingress to the host and other containers

  • Don’t mount things unnecessarily

  • Use the :ro flag whenever possible

  • Linu: in-memory tmpfs mounts available

task Exercise: Volumes usecases

Work through

  • Database Volumes

in the exercise book.

Container volumes takeaways

  • Volumes persist data beyond the container lifecycle

  • Volumes bypass the copy-ob-write system (better for write-heavy containers)

Further reading

Docker system commands

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, trainees will be able to

  • Execut cleanup commands

  • Locate Docker system information

Cleanup commands

$ docker system df
Images         39       2        9.01 GB     7.269 GB (80%)
Containers     2        2        69.36 MB    0 B
  • docker system prune

more limited…​

  • docker image prune [--filter "foo=bar"]

  • docker container prune [--filter "foo=bar"]

  • docker volume prune [--filter "foo=bar"]

  • docker network prune [--filter "foo=bar"]

Inspect the system

$ docker system info
Containers: 2
 Running: 2
 Paused: 0
 Stopped: 0
Images: 105
Server Version: 17.03.0-ee
Storage Driver: overlay2
 Backing Filesystem: extfs
 Supports d_type: true
 Native Overlay Diff: true
Logging Driver: json-file
Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
 Volume: local
 Network: bridge host ipvlan macvlan null overlay
Swarm: active
 NodeID: ybmqksh6fm627armruq0e8id1
 Is Manager: true
 ClusterID: 2rbf1dv6t5ntro2fxbry6ikr3
 Managers: 1
 Nodes: 1
  Task History Retention Limit: 5
  Snapshot Interval: 10000
  Number of Old Snapshots to Retain: 0
  Heartbeat Tick: 1

System events

$ docker system events
2017-01-25T16:57:48.553596179-06:00 container create 30eb630790d44052f26c1081...
2017-01-25T16:57:48.556718161-06:00 container attach 30eb630790d44052f26c1081...
2017-01-25T16:57:48.698190608-06:00 network connect de1b2b40f522e69318847ada3...
2017-01-25T16:57:49.062631155-06:00 container start 30eb630790d44052f26c1081d...
2017-01-25T16:57:49.164526268-06:00 container die 30eb630790d44052f26c1081dbf...
2017-01-25T16:57:49.613422740-06:00 network disconnect de1b2b40f522e69318847a...
2017-01-25T16:57:49.815845051-06:00 container destroy 30eb630790d44052f26c108...

Generates events with docker container run --rm apline echo 'Hello world'

task Exercise: System commands

Work through

  • Cleaning up Docker resources

  • Inspecting Commands

in the exercise book.


  • What is the origin of dangling container image layers?

  • What are potential pitfalls automating system cleanup, and how can we avoid them?

  • Questions?

Further reading

Containerization fundementals conclusion: Any app, anywhere

  • Containers are isolated processes

  • Container images provide filesystem for containers

  • Volumes persist data

Wrap up - Quarkus Hello-world

task Exercise instructions

  • Goal: Build a docker image that runs a Java application

  • Find the fat jar hello-world-<version>-runner.jar in the zip you downloaded

  • Run the application with java –jar hello-world-<version>-runner.jar.

  • Try it out via http://localhost:8080/


  • What container image is suitable?

  • Do you need CMD, or ENTRYPOINT, or maybe both?

  • If you run two containers, what do need to take care of?


Sample Containerfile

FROM anapsix/alpine-java
COPY build/libs/hello-world-<version>-runner.jar hello-world-<version>-runner.jar
CMD ["-jar", "hello-world-<version>-runner.jar"]

Solution commands

  • docker build -t hello_world .

  • docker run -d -p 8080:8080 hello_world

Container networking basics

Disciussion: Portable networks

Network traffic must by efinition traverse a network outside its origination container.
How can we make inter-container communication as portable and secure as containers themselves?

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, trainees will be able to

  • Describe Docker’s container network model and its security implications

  • Describe the basic technologies that underwrite single host networks

  • Understand how Docker manipulates a host’s firewall rules to control container traffic

The container network model

container networking model

Linux: Default single-host network

linux single host network

Linux: Default container networking

linux default container networking

Quiz: identify the sandbox, endpoint and network corresponding to the container networking model objects in this diagram.

Linux: User-defined bridges & firewalls

linux custom container networking

Exposing container ports

  • Containers have no public IP address by default.

  • Can forward host port → container port

  • Mapping created manually or automatically.

  • Port mappings visible via docker container ls or docker container port

task Instructor demo: Single host networks

See the demo

  • Single host netowrks

in the exercise book.

task Exercise: Single host networks

Work through

  • Introduction to Container Networking

  • Container Port Mapping

in the exercise book.

Container networking takeaways

  • Single host networks follow the container networking model:

    • Sandbox: Network namespaces

    • Endpoint: veth (linux)

    • Network: bridge (linux)

  • Containers resolve each other by DNS lookup when named and attached to custom networks

  • Docker software defined networks are firewalled from each other by default

Further reading

Introduction to container compose

Discussion: Processes vs. applications

Containers and images describe individual processes.
What will we need to describe entire applications?

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, trainees will be able to

  • Design scalable Docker services

  • Leverage Docker’s built in service discovery mechanism

  • Write a compose file describing an application

Distributed application architecture

  • Applications consisting of one or more containers across one or more nodes

  • Docker Compose facilitates multi-container design on a single node

Container services

  • Goal: declare and (re)configure many similar containers all at once

  • Goal: scale apps by adding containers seamlessly

  • A service defines the desired state of a group of identically configured containers

  • Docker provides transparent service discovery for Services

Service discovery

service discovery

Services are assigned a Virtual IP which spreads traffic out across the underlying container automatically.

Our application: Dockercoins

(DockerCoins 2016 logo courtesy of @XtlCnslt and @ndeloof. Thanks!)

It is a Dockercoin miner!
with 5 services: dockercoins flow

task Instructor demo: Docker-Compose

See the demo

  • Docker Compose

in the exercise book.

task Exercise: Compose apps

Work through

  • Starting a Compose App

  • Scaling s Compose App

in the exercise book.

Container Compose takeaways

  • Docker Compose makes single node orchestration easy

  • Compose services makes scaling applications easy

  • Bottleneck identification important

  • Syntactically: docker-compose.yml + API

Further reading

Wrapup Dontainer Compose - Sonarqube



task Exercise: Instructions

  • Setup a Sonarqube server that listens on port 9000

  • Connect it to a persistent database

  • Use postgresql and persist it‘s data on the host filesystem using volumes

  • Verify that the data is persistent (create user and delete the container)

  • Check that Sonarqube is really using your postgresql database

  • Hint: use docker-compose


version: "2"
    image: sonarqube
      - "9000:9000"
      - sonarnet
      - SONARQUBE_JDBC_URL=jdbc:postgresql://db:5432/sonar
      - sonarqube_conf:/opt/sonarqube/conf
      - sonarqube_data:/opt/sonarqube/data
      - sonarqube_extensions:/opt/sonarqube/extensions
      - sonarqube_bundled-plugins:/opt/sonarqube/lib/bundled-plugins
    image: postgres
      - sonarnet
      - POSTGRES_USER=sonar
      - postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql
      - postgresql_data:/var/lib/postgresql/datanetworks
      driver: bridge

Containerization Training

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